GBS Lamiere Perforate srl - Special perforated sheets producer, any kind, size, metal, zone/drawing   G.B.S. Lamiere Perforate s.r.l.

Custom manufactured special perforated sheets
Alpignano (Torino) Italy - Fax 0039-11-9661364

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Azienda Certificata ISO 9001-2015 Certified Company

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.:: Sheets' calculations ::.
Perforated sheets have several evaluation and measure parameters.
Most used parameter to indicate percentage of drilled area (open) compared to undrilled area is called Open Area (O.A.%). Other common parameters are number of holes, weight, and more. Because of many people asked us for explanations on the way of calculating these parameters we made up our mind to automate all calcs.
Program Varicalc

This program makes it easy to calculate most used parameters in the perforated sheets field. It avoids the use of difficult tables and formulas often all but clear.

Parameters calculated:
  • OA% round holes, squares, oblongs, hexagonals
  • Weights of raw & perforated sheets
  • Weight per of raw & perforated
  • Sheet's measures per
  • ...other parameters coming soon...

  • Download program
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    G.B.S. Lamiere Perforate s.r.l.   I-10091 ALPIGNANO (Torino) ITALIA   VAT IT04649790013  
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