GBS Lamiere Perforate srl - Special perforated sheets producer, any kind, size, metal, zone/drawing   G.B.S. Lamiere Perforate s.r.l.

Custom manufactured special perforated sheets
Alpignano (Torino) Italy - Fax 0039-11-9661364

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Azienda Certificata ISO 9001-2015 Certified Company

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Materials range:
– Carbon steel / Galvanized
– Aisi 304, 316, 321, 430
– Aluminiun 1050, 6082
– Copper / Brass
– others on demand...
Standard range:
NO on demand only
– draws needed
.:: Perforated sheets "at zones" ::.
In this page you can have an idea on perforated sheets "in zones".
When we have holes on one part of sheet only we call that as zone perforation. The difference with total perforation is that we have drilled zones together with undrilled zones according to Customer's drawing. These zones must have geometrical shape only as square, rectangular and circle, (not curve or fantasy).
Classic zone perforation.
In this case perforation is staggered (at 60°), but can be everything else.
Here is one jump end effect tool (*).

Apps: mechanical, food, etc.
Stuff: see left frame.
Stds: NO on demand only (draws needed).

Important: on a single sheet we can make different kind of zone perforation.
» one zone round hole Ø 2
» two zones oblong hole 2x20
» one zone square hole 10... (and so on).

Zone perforation (one jump press tool)
(*) Mould tools can be made direct or with 1, 2, 3 jumps (starting / ending), according to building plan. Perforated sheets jumping tool scheme

When we work at zone deformation must be taken into due consideration.
Presence of undrilled areas besides perforated areas can make, (in certain cases), deformations whose entity cannot be determined in advance. This doesn't depend on a bad perforation process but on metallurgy itself.
Not good flatness after perforations can de solved by levelling process in most of cases.
Parameters of acceptance must be reconsidered in presence of very critical perforations.

Do not hesitate to call: we will evaluate all possible options according to your drawing.
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G.B.S. Lamiere Perforate s.r.l.   I-10091 ALPIGNANO (Torino) ITALIA   VAT IT04649790013  
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